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As a professor in the discipline of art education, my scholarship is centered on the theory and practice of teaching art to others through research and development of effective theories of teaching and learning. As a scholar, my prime concern is to influence the practice of art education with a focus on curriculum development and school/museum partnerships. My scholarship is primarily evidenced through publications, presentations, workshops, and involvement in professional organizations. My scholarship enhances my teaching and my students have shared in and advanced my scholarship. 


Bain, C, Young, J. & Kuster, D. (2022) Once a Teacher always a teacher: The stories of two art

              educators who left public schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, vol.112. 103645.


Bain, C., Young, J. & Kuster, D. (2017) Finding the Right Fit: Three Art Teachers Describe Their

               Mentorship Style. Art Education: The Journal of the National Art Education Association,



Kuster, D., Bain, C., & Young, J. (2015). Take five: Fifth year art teachers’ maturing understanding of                      curriculum. Studies in Art Education, 56 (4), 369-381.


Kuster, D., Bain, C., & Young, J. (2014). Fifth year art teachers: Constructing a professional identity.                       Visual Arts Research, 40(2). 90-99


Kuster, D., O’Neal, K., Gooch, A. (2010). Student teachers tell their stories of curriculum development.                   Art Education: The Journal of the National Art Education Association, 63 (4), 6-12.


Kuster, D., Bain, C., Newton, C., & Milbrandt, M. (2010). Novice Art Teachers: Navigating through  the                     first year. Visual Arts Research, 36(1).


Bain, C.,Newton, C., Kuster, D., & Milbrandt, M. (2010). How do novice teachers define and implement

               meaningful curriculum? Studies in Art Education, 51(3), 233-247.


Kuster, D. (2008). A museum collaboration and interdisciplinary adventure with pre-service teachers.                    Art Education: The Journal of the National Art Education Association, 61(5), 33-39.


Kuster, D & TerAvest, M. (2007).Yours, mine, and ours: Art and community. School Arts,107(4),42-43.


Kuster, D. (2007). Fostering lifelong creativity in self and others. In L. Lackey &  A.M. LaPorte (Eds)                          Conference Proceeding Lifelong Learning (pp.17- 20). NAEA  Committee on Lifelong                              Learning.


Kuster, D. (2006). Back to the basics: Multicultural theories revisited and put into practice. Art

                    Education: The Journal of the National Art Education Association, 59(5),33-39.


Kuster, D. (2006). Critical theory in art education: Some comparisons. Translations. The National Art                         Education Association, vol.15, no.1.


Kuster, D. (2005).A tale of two artists: Creativity in old age. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 72(2), 42-46.


Kuster, D. (2005). Utilizing value orientations for cultural dialogue. Journal of Cultural Research in Art

                Education. vol. 23, 88-97.


Kuster, D. (2005). Home is where art begins: The works of Clyde Connell. Art Education: The  Journal                    of the National Art Education Association, 58(5), 25-32.


Kuster, D. (2002). The art of making the ordinary extraordinary. Art Education: The Journal of the                             National Art Education Association. 55 (3), 25-31.





2014 Tenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Presentation: “The Artistic Act of Teaching: Constructing a Professional Identity (with J. Young & C. Bain)



2015 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning, Austin, TX.

Presentation: “The Many Facets of Mentoring”  (with J. Young & C. Bain)  


2014 Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning, Austin, TX.

Poster Presentation: “Experiencing Community Resources for Future Reference”                          


2013 National Art Education Association (NAEA) Convention, Fort Worth, TX         

Presentation: “The Making of an Art Teacher” (with C. Bain & J. Young)


2011 NAEA Convention Seattle, WA.            

Research Roundtable: “A Study of the Four Year Journey from Novice to Experienced”(with C. Bain & J. Young)

Presentation: “Basketry as a Creative and Expressive 3-D Technique”  (with A. Slaughter Gatlin)


2009  NAEA Convention, Minneapolis, MN.         

Higher Ed Forum I: “How is higher ed relevant to K-12 and museum educators, or is it?”(with E. Delacruz, B. Shauck, R.Caouette)


Higher Ed Forum II: “What supporting commonalities exist for higher ed, k-12, and museum educators, or            are there any?” (with T.Brewer & R. Riordan)


2008  Arts in Education Forum, University of Tennessee in Chattanooga, TN.        

Higher education roundtable panelist: “Arts Integration in Higher Education”


2008  NAEA Convention, New Orleans, LA.          

Presentation: “Building bridges toward mastery: A support program for novice art teachers” (with J. Young)


2007  NAEA Convention, New York City.         

Presentation: “New voices: How novice art teachers implement curriculum” (with C. Newton, M. Milbrandt,

& C. Bain)


Presentation: “A place for art and the art of place” (with K. O’Neal)


2006  NAEA Conference, Chicago, IL.         

Presentation: “Tools for investigating cultural values” (with C. Newton)


Presentation: “Fostering lifelong creativity”


2005  NAEA Convention, Boston, MA          
Presentation: “Encouraging preservice students to develop meaningful curricula” (with C. Newton, J. Chanda)


2002 American Association of Museums

Poster Presentation


2020   Professor Emeritus, University of Central Arkansas


2015     Outstanding Arts Educator Award, Conway Alliance for the Arts (CAFTA)


2014     Best Poster Presentation Award, Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching

                    and Learning, Austin, TX


2014     Invited guest on Spotlight, Channel 6


2013     Selected as one of five Arkansas Women to Watch 2013, sponsored by the Arkansas

                     Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts


2009     Student Chapter Sponsor Award of Excellence, Arkansas Art Educators


2009     Finalist in UCA Teaching Excellence Award


2008     Delta Award, Arkansas Arts Center, 51st Annual Delta Exhibition


2007     Higher Education Art Educator of the Year, Arkansas Art Educators


2007     Nominated for Higher Education Art Educator of the Year for Western Region, NAEA


2005     Nominated and selected for inclusion in the ninth edition of Who’s Who among

                        America’s Teachers


2000-2001   Marcus Fellowship, University of North Texas


1998   Certificate of Appreciation of Service, Winona ISD


1995, 1997 Texas Art Education Association Certificate of Appreciation for Leadership


1996, 1998 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 1996, 1998


1994  Teacher of the Year Finalist, Winona ISD


Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA)

Studio Art Quilts Associates

     Juried Artist Member

National Art Education Association

Arkansas Art Educators

Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts

Arkansas Arts Council

National Museum of Women in the Arts

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