Teacher Talk

I want to encourage you to make the most of your interactions with your students. Here are some bullet-points from past discussions in my art curriculum classes of possible questions and strategies to use with students under each of the studio habits of mind identified in Studio Thinking 2: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education by L. Hetland, et al. (2013).
Engage and Persist
Focus to complete
Do you think you want to get rid of all this work to start over?
Could you complete by deadline?
What changes could you do?
What would make you happy with your work?
What interests you? How could you incorporate it?
What is the outcome you want?
Would you like for me to help you more outside of class?
Do you need more time?
Stretch and Explore
Open to play with materials and ideas
Have you tried… (e.g. another tool, another method of application)?
How could you push that further? List areas for them…
What if… listing options…
Provide demonstrating of choices and options/media blitzes
Giving time for students to experiment and play
Art of looking intentionally and reflectively when drawing, looking at others’ art, past art
What do you notice about… list
What do you notice has changed in your artwork?
What do you like and dislike…
If could remake?
How did ___ change your artwork?
Model describing…
Conveying feelings and concepts through art
What do you want to express? Give list
What colors would best express… give a list. How can your express…?
Why do you want to express this?
Develop Craft
Technique and studio practice
What materials would you use?
Practice pages, develop technique