Purpose, Re-Purpose

As the year 2019 was ending and 2020 began I was working on an experimental weaving using nylon fishing line as the warp (lengthwise strands, attached to the loom). This slippery, transparent material had many challenges, and I was unsure how or if it would successfully hold together! As I wove into the fishing line with more fishing line, I also sought out and included additional transparent, translucent, shiny, and reflective strands. I did complete the weaving and carefully cut it off my loom just as news of a global pandemic started to surface.
I created two artworks during this past year (see Feet of Clay series—Protected and Armored) as we are experiencing the power that an invisible virus and forces of fear and divisiveness have in our world. I wanted to proclaim the greater power of the invisible, hidden workings of my God. The transparent materials in my latest weaving became that symbol for me. Most of the textiles I use to make my art were previously woven (often for a previous purpose) before I knew when or how they would eventually be included in a new work. As I select materials for my re-purposing, artmaking processes, I am reminded that I do not have the power or insight to know how every piece of my life will end up fitting altogether, much less how nations will rise and fall. But my Creator does have that power and insight and He has promised to bring all of His creation into His perfect, finished work.
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us… For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently” (Romans 8:18 & 24-25).